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Anyone else having issues with grass not regrowing on Fields 8 and 9 after harvesting?  I have not tried planting alfalfa to see if it doing the same thing.

i have same problem as nfis how can i fix it please

Enjoying the map, but can't figure out why the soybean textures are flat after harvest over the base maps. I would suspect it's something in the soybean xml that changed.


Does anyone else have this or know how to fix this issue?

Did you download the other required mods?

i do 

Just figured Id share. If anyone wants the sun higher in the sky edit the enviroment xml in the config of the Montieth mod. Change it from 60 to 75 or higher.  MAKE A BACKUP

<sunRotation heightAngleLimitRotation="75" heightAngleLimitRotationStart="70" heightAngleLimitRotationEnd="90">

    <key value="0"   time="0" />

    <key value="90"  time="6.5" />

    <key value="-90" time="6.5" /> <!-- sunrise 6 -->

    <key value="0"   time="12" />

    <key value="90"  time="19.5" />

    <key value="-90" time="19.5" /> <!-- sunset 20 -->

    <key value="0"   time="24" />


(1 edit)

I cant place any trees it just says  too many trees, I downloaded a mod to raise the limit but still don't work don't know if its just me

(1 edit)

For me the fog stays and does not go away and I cant see nothing. Another problem I face is it'll stay at 57% when loading and not load, I've reinstalled the game had no mods loaded and reinstalled the map fully and the same problem occurs.

(2 edits)

is it just me or is the harvested crops showing up as black? And it randomly freezing the game and the AI thinks that no field is available even if I'm in the middle of one. Although it has some bugs it's a great map hat's off to the creator. 

Update the game freezing was due to a virus on my pc.

As you can see its 11am and the sun has not moved since sunrise. Is this a FS25 bug? Its also on the south end of the map instead of further east. 

Love this map!! Is there a way to make the roads and the south side of the map buyable?


I would like to second this request. Can you please make the section at the bottom buyable please? 

Should the barn at the starter farm produce manure?  I added straw and a manure pit but the straw is not going down and no manure with beef cattle


You need to start a new save to get the updated benefits. Default types will also need to be updated for the added crops to work

What are the benefits? I just downloaded the map three days ago and spent two building a farm. I don't want to restart if the benefits are small. 

added alfalfa and adjusted texture to grass and bushes

Field 21 is not allowing mowing or plowing after the update

keep a save of the old one V1_0_5_1 you will go back to it 

(1 edit)

Edit: New save fixed fps issues 

Are the new foliage textures way larger I'm getting much worse fps and I don't have the previous version anymore any chance you would make v1_0_5_1 available again to downgrade

Does the Version have to be included in the Zip File name? 

For those who will update this map, change the end name to V1_0_5_1 or your game wont locate the save.
@drmodding you should not add the version on the mod name, or this could get people confused when updating. To keep playing with the new version, i had to rename the mod to the old one to avoit conflict.

Hey fs club playing on more maps he says

yoo theres no harvesting animations. just this map, zero other mods

just wish in the map you could bye the whole map other then that amazing good map so far 


Anyone else having an issue with the grass not regrowing?

Hthe first farms 


it keeps saying that I can't add more trees? and there is a field in the bottom left of the map is there a way to purchase it?

I think you forgot to add the snow mask in the map.

The stubble is white on corn when I harvest. Not sure if it's something with the update? I removed all mods and it still harvests white

i might be missing something, but is there a livestock sell point? the main farm product sales building didn't seem to have a sale trigger for them.

great map!


This looks like a great map but the whole default types thing is above my head so I guess I'll have to pass. I read the instructions on Thunder but drew a blank, just need something simpler. Congrats though, beautiful map.

It's just a mod that needs to be put in the mod folder. You don't need to do anything else. 

If I go to chop corn, I see that is cut, but it doesn't fill the trailer...

Any comments please use feedback on the YouTube channel, so all the team can see them.

Opps I put my arm thru the door at the market place?

Ben needs moving a tad over the to right LOL

Hi, great map. How do you purchase Farmland 22? A review video I watched mentioned you could buy it, but I only get the Visit option, or isn't that option implemented yet. Cheers

autodrive for this map would be awesome

I have used Autodrive and it worked fine.

AutoDrive Guy has made AD for this map and its in final testing

amazing cant wait

awesome jobon the there any chance that the bottom half of the map will become buyable at some point so we can use it for somthing other than free grass. sure would love to use it for livestock.

I apologize ahead of time for my question.  This is the first time I have ever attempted to edit a map xml (Default types by ThundRFS mod).   I downloaded the mod, but when I copied the xml file over, I clearly didn't understand because the map no longer showed up.   So i'm not exactly sure if i'm just copying the single file from the mod or the entire folder.   Also where exactly do I paste it.   I know how to edit the fruit type within the xml. I'm just not sure where to put it first.  If this is annoying and you don't want to walk me through it, I completely understand.

Just put it in your mods folder

On Field 6 at coordinates 468, 235, these is some trees just barely on the edge of the field that have collision and cause the guidance steering to mess up and you miss some crop, other than that, it's an excellent map!

Hey drmodding! Fantastic work on this map! One issue, one of the culverts at the entrance of field 5 near the starting farm has showed up like this. Hope this helps!

Deleted 48 days ago

the water plane is meant to be there lmao for field flooding 

Grass does not grow back after using a swather. Fast forward 3 mo and no grass regrowth. Anyone see this on their end?


Is anyone else showing duplicates for all the crops in the crop calendar?

Yes, I am showing duplicate crops also.

glad it’s not just me

You'll need this mod: FS25 Default Types by ThundRFS I forgot to add it to the required mod list. Sorry

Perfect!!! Thank you!!


thank you drmodding wonderful job on the map I love it 


Thank you for all your hard work and obviously patience with all the ridiculous post below me.

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