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for some reason i cant access the mod in farming simulator even though I've done every thing right can someone help me?


Recently had a problem where I can't open any gates or delete any of them. I own the land and i have tried troubleshooting with only the required mods for the map activated. Is there any work around or solution to this?

(4 edits)

EDIT 1: I think this is actually an issue with any contract harvesting. Just tried two more; 1 harvesting Narrow Soybeans, 1 harvesting Soybeans. This time I used my own equipment and only could get them to 99% & 97%, respectfully, contract completion.

2. Adding to this after a few more harvest contracts. Types that only get to 98%ish: Narrow Soybeans, Soybeans, Corn. Types that are can be completed: Grass, Silage


Noticed a bug with one of the contracts (with borrowed equipment). Got one for harvesting Narrow Soybeans in field 91 and deliver to GW Grain. Finished harvesting, totally emptied the Claas Trion 720 combine and Fliegl ASW 271 trailer (towed by a JCB Fastrac 4220) and was only awarded 89% delivered and 98% contract completion. Might be worth looking into since I was really banking on that $11k reward

(1 edit)

There aren't any FieldStones on this map. I've made sure I have the setting on, I've tried to look at the xml files, I cannot figure it out. Is it just this map that doesn't give stones when plowing? 

Taheton Farmers Market is not anywhere on the map.  It shows in the crop sellpoint in settings but is not on map.  I have the mod pack installed.

its in town as you come in its one road  to the south  like a block of two down. its a brown building with a unloading grate.

does this map work with maize+?

This map doesn't even work properly by itself...

It looks like such a great map and I might even tip, but I cannot get it to work. Downloaded it like three times over, unzipped it, put it in mods, still doesn't show up in map selection or game modhub for downloads, still doesn't show up. But the forty two required modes had no issue showing up. Can the author please fix this, a lot of people have an issue with this. 

same and the rcr version of this map will work (for me) but not the public.

I've tried 7billion times to get the RCR version and it never works

Any advice how to get it to work?

@mrfarmer5000 unzip the  taheton edited mods on to your desktop then move all of the files in that folder to the mods folder. next move map to your desktop open that folder and the file with the map name move into your mods folder and you should be good to can do it for the non rcr version as weel

Thank you.


Map works fine for me.

I was having same issue. Had to unzip public file into mod folder then go into mod folder find the one that says taheton county public open that file and the file inside will be fs22 taheton county move it to mod folder. Should fix your issue


42 required? Yikes

having troubles with the map and required mods not showing in game i unzip them and move them to my mods folder and nothing shows up any help is appreciated.

(1 edit) (+3)

It should work if you only unzip the pack folder and move all it's contents into the mod folder. Don't unzip any of these individual mods.

we do i find the [] file

Deleted 168 days ago
Deleted 162 days ago
Deleted 168 days ago

Anybody managed to get rid of the damn bushes???

paint over them with grass and it'll remove them

(1 edit)

You'd think so, but that doesn't work either. Trying to build my farm around field 131-132-133, can't remove the bushes... Weird thing, I removed them in giants editor, but they still appear in the save I've been playing with for the last 60 hours, but if I start a new game they're gone...

Oh so they're non paintable ones. If you have the lumberjack mod you might be able to remove them with the chainsaw. It's most likely the game save then.

Loving the map but im having an issue with the train, I saved and logged out with the train going by my farm and when I got back in the train is stuck with no engine just the cars , anyone experience this?

Love the map and it's detail. I've noticed wheat stubble destruction disappears when the swathing addon is enabled. Not a big deal but if someone has this issue then they'll know the reason it's acting up. Thanks for the sweet map DR!

How do i add the Buildings pack. when i extract them only the fences get extracted and there is no buildings in the map when i load in! pls Help!they are all ziped exept the fences!

You extracted them in a different folder. You need to move them in the mods folder

whyy when i put it in m mods folder its not here

The map doesn't show up in the map selection. Yes it' downloaded to my mods folder, yes it's still zipped, yes I tried it a couple of times.  My MD5 of the file is 06151e00d86251f40d4fdaf78f3bc5b4

same here, looking for a solution if anyone has one


field id 88 does not work can not plant on it or plow it 

(1 edit)

I bought the mod, downloaded it and put it into my mods and also downloaded the mod pack unzipped it once put it into the mods and its still not showing up in the pick your map menu thing. I have searched it up and why its not working and i have deleted it and reinstalled it and did everything all over again and its still not showing up in my in-game menu. Does anyone know why its not wanting to show up when i go to pick a map?

Are you planning on fixing the missing xml file for anhydrous?

I realy love this map its very nice if map maker can litl bit optimize this map i will apreciate. Ok lets get to point about aditional mods you need and some which i read in coments dont work let me give you solution for that.     

1. When startin New game you turn OFF Premium DLC                                  2. If you have Precision Farming Anhydrous Ready mod you TURN OFF Precision Farming DLC if you dont do this you will have some erors              3. About Teheton mod pack, you dont download each one separetly, below listed mods you have buton


DownloadTaheton Mod PackExternal, you download this and exctract in your mod folder and you can play.                                                                         Remeber to do this steps in order to play Teheton. Thanks for listening i hope i helped someone. Grethings

Mr. Dr. Modding. We need you to fix some issues. #1 Us players should not have to separately download 15-30 mods just to play this, and still have no farms show up. I downloaded every mod except one or two that were no longer available, and every signal farm is still diapered, I started in all three difficulties, but nothing, I unzipped anything.

You need to Include all the required mods into the Taheton County Mod. It is much easier for us as we can have everything required in one mod. This will be much better

The map for this suck, and one of the main reasons why I don't like this. I mean like the mini-map. We need a map like UMRV. A proper satellite. We need a satellite map because it is hard to tell where stuff is. I don't know if there are trees, easily tell where my property line is, and some of the fields are mapped wrong. Also, it is hard to tell some of the roads apart, some are offset, or wide.

So please make these improvements, I'm not good at building farms, and I like using the premade ones. If these changes are made I think this map will be even better than UMRV. I love these huge 4X maps, and I think this one has amazing potential.

Deleted 207 days ago

you will need Percisionfarming Anhdrous ready, AS WELL as the Anhydrous Ammonia addon from the ingame modhub for the fill type to show correctly in game. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, click the View all by drmodding in the top right corner of ur computer screen scroll down until you see the Taheton Mod Pack. click and download it, unzip it ONCE, put all the zip files inside in your mod folder. DO NOT run Premium expansion as the map arthor's team has stated its causes errors. Happy Farming!


LOL, it's a free mod. He doesn't owe us anything. You can chose to donate or not. Regardless of your contribution, you can download it. If you're not a fan, then don't download, delete the map. If you want the map fixed join his Patreon and send him a discord message, but he doesn't owe us anything. LOL. 

It's sad that you took the time out of you life to write four paragraphs outlining your frustrations. LOL. 

Have the day you deserve. 


Better yet, learn how to mod. I have customized this map so much. I have replaced a bunch of buildings and turned them in to sell points or productions. I have changed the Fill Types and so much. If I find a problem with the map. I go into the XML and fix it. 

I suggest you spend less time being a keyboard warriors, and and learn how to fix it. LOL. 

for some reason when i try to quit to main menu the game bugs out and i have to quit to desktop

Hi I really love this map and I enjoyed playing on it but do you know if it's being released or worked on or an update is coming?

does anyone have issues with Percisionfarming Anhdrous ready and percision farming dlc running together ive ben getting a missing type error and if i run both my game stops loading at 85% but if i take the dlc off the game loads but still have a missing type error am i doing soming wrong

You can't run 2 Precision Farming at the same time. You need to pick one

I can't find the download size, anybody know it?

With the required mods and the Taheton map, its over 1.5 GB. 

you will need Percisionfarming Anhdrous ready, AS WELL as the Anhydrous Ammonia addon from the ingame modhub for the fill type to show correctly in game. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, click the View all by drmodding in the top right corner of ur computer screen scroll down until you see the Taheton Mod Pack. click and download it, unzip it ONCE, put all the zip files inside in your mod folder. DO NOT run Premium expansion as the map arthor's team has stated its causes errors. Happy Farming!

why so many trees


Do all the building come in the pack

not sure if its a mod conflict or not but i have noticed my game freezes when i try to use corseplay and generate a layout has anyone else had this issue  

I have the same problem.

courseplay is notorious for not liking these types of fields… take field 144 for example, if you use a plow to transform the 4 strips of land to the left into field, courseplay will work instantly on that field.


idk if it's a me issue, but I can't open any doors on the map, shed doors, rollups, house doors, etc. Anyone know a fix?


Have you purchased the farm?

wow jadore cet maps

is there going to be an update to the map cause the train is jumpy and some sell points are hard to deleiver too

So would a rtx 4060 graphics card be really good for this map?

I run a 3080 and it runs it. Little laggy but overall good

i get like 30 frames with a 3080 on high settings

Map is garbage building all missing no mods except required ones and not running  premium exspantion modder should learn how to make maps 


You make a map then.

you have to download the mods as a pack at the bottom of the mod pack page, if you download them from the source they wont show up as they have all been modified.


Funny maybe you should read and download it correctly. 

says the entitled kid that's never spent a minute in GE

(2 edits)

I don’t know if it’s a mod conflict, but I was doing a contract on the map last night, and I was going to GW grain, and there might be an issue with the unloading point I was unloading my trailer of corn and it would only allow me to unload 50% also, I don’t know if it’s a issue, but I tried to use horseplay to assist me with a contract last night and course play crashed or the game crashed and I had to restart to get back into the map to play my last save 

Troubles only on this map with trucks that have custom sound. the engine sounds lag or jump

I have this issue with a DDC truck but other modded truck sounds come in properly?

Deleted 258 days ago
Deleted 258 days ago

why when I download this map it does not show up in fs22


You have to unzip file

This map does not like the straw harvest dlc. Once you load up the bailer the hud goes blank and cant use some commands. Tried modded tractors and in game tractors and it still crashes the game.


you probably have mod conflicts I have straw harvest, add on mod installed and my game works perfect so I would recommend downloading mod assistant manager is by FSG. Do you want me to provide you the link to it I can I use this program before it helps me see mod conflict fix them.

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