Taheton Mod Pack
A downloadable mod
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to these mods nor did I author them. These are mods that were edited to either function better or fit on the
Taheton map. Please understand that each of these mods has been changed in some way and will not function or look the same as the original mod.
Please Download the original mod from the original authors if you plan on using these on any other maps.
RECCOMENDED MODS: The map will work without these mods installed, however to get the full affect of the map you will want these mods installed.
If you are having performance issues with the map it may be necessary to remove the mods here that you are not intending to use. I am not the
author of these mods and do not offer support for these mods with the exception of any that I have authored.
LegacyAg --
LAC 55x115 Cold Storage | https://legacyag.itch.io/lac-55x115-cold-storage
LAC 42x24 Garage | https://legacyag.itch.io/lac-42x24-garage
LAC 48x26 Hay Loft | https://legacyag.itch.io/lac-48x26-hay-loft
LAC 58x50 Shop | https://legacyag.itch.io/lac-58x50-shop
LAC 90x38 Dairy | https://legacyag.itch.io/lac-dairy
DR Modding, Legacy --
US Farm Fence Pack | https://drmodding.itch.io/fs22-us-farm-fence-pack
Western Iowa --
Western Iowa Shop | https://www.mediafire.com/file/mpxewzl13q82fqv/FS22_westernIowaShop.zip/file
Hog Barns | https://www.mediafire.com/file/lt6upkwkmy9zof4/FS22_hogBarn.zip/file
American Barn With Storage | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=269184&title...
American Garden Shed | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=258277&title...
American Garage With Apartment | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=254351&title...
American Pole Barn | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=245858&title...
American Farmhouse | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=242035&title...
24x36 American Garage | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=237965&title...
OK Used Mods Dealership | https://okusedmods.itch.io/ok-used-mods-dealership
Elk Mountain Modding
Farm House | https://mega.nz/file/qBdzjTxI#pPMm_bIT-3QUMCmHF_j0aw9QXJXBEhgq9daUccIa1C0
Ranch House | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=264718&title...
Ranch Garage | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=264719&title...
Ranch Set | https://mega.nz/file/GdEz1CIY#ztPlplmylQO7ft-R8rDruhWVqK2umX3T95Ctww2LmoQ
Ranch Pack | https://mega.nz/file/rZNx0IST#a6PvcYCodzlUPYb7iFJXzQGniRCIx4QRzkTY9J-HjnE
OS Farms Mapping and Modding
Hoop Barn | https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fh0vfos68...
Pascal Kautz --
Warehouse | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=243577&title...
Medium Sized Warehouse | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=246787&title...
Trailer Park Farms
FS 22 81x120 ShopPack | https://trailerparkfarms.itch.io/fs-22-81x120-shoppack
USA White Farm Buildingpack | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=270340&title...
White American Buildings Pack | https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs22/mods/16641/white-american-buildings-pack
American Farm Buildings Pack | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=233022&title...
American Pack | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=260718&title...
River Bottom Customs
AGI-Triple Silo/Corn Dryer | https://riverbottomcustomfarming.itch.io/agi-triple-silocorn-dryer
TheSuBBie/Mappers Paradise
Welker Farms Shed Pack | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=250098&title...
Fusion Simulations, Loki_79
Dry Corn Addon | ModHub | https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=nl&mod_id=245289
Anhydrous Ammonia Pack | Collins Custom Modding - itch.io
Modelleicher (Farming Agency)
More Animal Husbandries Possible (64) | ModHub | Farming Simulator (farming-simulator.com)
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i had issues with buildings not showing, i dl what was needed then started a new save and it worked
Anyone else having an issue downloading the mod pack? It just keeps starting again. I've tried clearing cache, tried different browsers, disk clean-up. Nothing seems to work. Just lost at this point
In the pack there is a Meridian Grain Bin pack and a duplicate with the Taheton name added. I assume the Taheton bins are required but are the duplicate bins also required or was that a mistake/duplicate? Thank you so much for this wonderful map!!!
missing buildings on the taheton map ,, all the mods in this discription are installed ,, the mod folder is vanilla except for the map with the recommended mods listed here,, precision farming Anhydrous ,, all unzip folders are unzip and installed ,, no platium or premiun expension are enable too .. is there someone has a fix for this ,, thx in advance
Hey, I download all the mods and I'm confused why they don't spawn in like they do for other people?
failed to mention required mods for those that use Precision Farming, the Anhydrous version of PF is not in the downloads. This is a stupid oversite in my eyes.
If I install all the mods, the textures look very bad in the worst quality, I don't know what the problem is.
Also you fail to mention that you need the AGI DLC otherwise youll have missing buildings
Its free...
yes it is free. the point of my comment is that you need to have it activated before starting the map
And this. Means if anyone loads the map up with Just the mods in the downloaded mod pack link they will be missing these buildings. FS 22: OK Used Mods Dealership by OKUsedMods (itch.io)
Your missing this in your Taheton mod pack American Farm Buildings Pack | ModHub | Farming Simulator (farming-simulator.com)
I can't download the OS Farms Mapping and Modding Hoop Barn because when I click the link Facebook gives me an error message.
Is it possible to update the link?
EDIT: I downloaded the mod pack and it's in there so I have it now.
not sure if im doing something wrong but i cannot get any of these mods to load in game
im having the same problem. have you found a fix yet?
Does anyone know if these placeables work fine as the original ones do on other maps besides Taheton?
well, he cleary stated they dont lol.... readddddd
I realize that. I should have deleted that comment haha but thank you.
When do you plan on bringing the map out?
is the map done
No, its still with beta testers